Workplace Injury Lawyer Bethlehem
Your medical bills won’t pay themselves. Someone needs to fight for your rights. Trust an injury lawyer with decades of experience. Michael has won millions of dollars for his clients. Call today for a free workplace injury consultation.
Occupational Injury
Workplace injuries in Pennsylvania can involve a discreet accident, or what is known as an “occupational injury.” This includes things like carpal tunnel syndrome, hearing loss cases, provided that it is causally related to the workplace or activity. For example, certain respiratory conditions, due to exposure to chemicals or repetitive use injuries like those that occur to the wrist from repeated typing lead to workers compensation claims. Also, if you are able to show that you contracted Covid-19 at work, you may be able to establish a claim.
When an employee is injured at work, the employee must tell his or her supervisor as soon as possible or at least within 120 days of the injury. Even the most minor injuries should be reported, because they may later show symptoms or cause problems that were unexpected. The legal professionals at the law firm of Michael A. Stover, Esq. understand workers’ compensation laws and will defend your rights if you are filing a workers’ compensation claim.
What Is an IME?
During a workers’ compensation case, an employer has the right to ask an employee to have an IME, or Independent Medical Examination. In the state of Pennsylvania, you must see a company doctor from a given list called a “panel physician” for the first ninety days of treatment after the injury. After that, however, you may choose to see any doctor of your own choosing. However, if there is some disagreement about treatment between your doctor and the workers’ compensation insurance company, you may be sent to have an IME with another doctor selected by the employer/insurer. This doctor is supposedly “independent”, but in reality, is usually biased toward the insurance company and will try to save them money. If your injury is severe or disabling or if there is some disagreement about your treatment needs, hiring a workers’ compensation lawyer to represent you is crucial. However, I always recommend hiring an attorney immediately, as the fee is contingent and there are many wrong decisions that a claimant can make early on that affect the case for the duration. To avoid that, a skilled workers’ compensation lawyer can help you get compensation benefits that you deserve.
How a Lawyer Can Help in a Workers’ Compensation Claim
Filing a workers’ compensation claim can be intimidating and complicated, especially if the circumstances of the workplace injury involved several parties or are complex. There are deadlines by which you must file and notifications that must be made. Workers’ compensation laws are dynamic and ever-changing, and the insurance companies of employers often have large teams of lawyers whose goal is to pay as little compensation as possible to the employee. This is why it is essential for the employee to hire an expert workers’ compensation lawyer. This lawyer can be the employee’s advocate and can do the talking and negotiating with the employer’s insurance company on the employee’s behalf.
Call to Schedule a Free Consultation with a Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Lawyer Today
If you’ve been hurt in a work-related accident or by a work-related activity, call to schedule a free consultation with a Pennsylvania workers’ compensation lawyer today. A skilled workers’ compensation lawyer understands the complexities of workers’ compensation law and will help you maximize your benefits so that they truly meet your needs. The experienced professionals at the law firm of Michael A. Snover, Esq. are dedicated to defending your rights and ensuring that you are treated fairly by your employer’s insurance company. We serve the most counties in this area on the eastern side of the State, especially Northampton and Lehigh Counties. Check out our web page at snoverlaw.com or give us a call at 484-821-1005 and let us make sure you get the compensation for your work-related injury that you deserve.